ssh from 012 cable to server in US fail

ssh from 012 cable to server in US fail

shimi linux-il at
Thu Apr 30 10:33:05 IDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Rami Addady <rami at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have weird problem , staring this morning I can't ssh to a server in US,
>  from some computers that connect to the Internet using 012 cabels.
> But if I'm ssh to server in 012 farm and then from it to the US server is
> work fine!
> I called 012 technical support but they didn't  help me.
> It's not a FW issue because the ssh session start.
> When I try to ssh it start and after some time fail , here is debug
> session.
> ssh -v -l user

Try to see if */sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 1200* helps

(or whatever your Ethernet NIC might be)

When Israeli ISPs play with QoS boxes, they have this weird side effect of
lowering the MTU...

And I have been experiencing MTU issues lately in 012 (as a business user on
a fiber connection). For me, going down to 1400 sufficed in solving all the
weird connectivity issues I had. I am asking you to try lower because if
you're on cables, there are MORE tunnels involved... if it solves the
problem, you can go up on a trial-and-error game.


-- Shimi
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