Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

Shachar Shemesh shachar at shemesh.biz
Sun Feb 8 08:23:34 IST 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have started getting Hebrew spam again, even now that the new
> anti-spam law is in place. Sure, I _could_ just filter it, but I would
> prefer to make life miserable for the spammers, even at my own
> expense. What legal tools do I have?
Anyone who got spam from "Rinat Zoref" and kept it is welcome to email 
me in private.

Also, anyone who got spam from "divur.lasakim", likewise.

And, whatever you do, KEEP THOSE EMAILS. I keep all of the Hebrew (and 
Israeli) spam I get.


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