accessing environment variables in Mod-Perl

accessing environment variables in Mod-Perl

Eliyahu Cohen eliyahu.cohen1 at
Tue Apr 13 13:47:06 IDT 2010

How can mod-perl access environment variables set by other Apache modules? I
tried the following:

in the virtual host config I set:

        SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.html$" TE=TEST
        PerlRequire "/opt/modperl/TE/"
        PerlOutputFilterHandler TE::ST

the contents of /opt/modperl/TE/ is as follows:
package TE::ST;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache2::Filter ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use APR::Table ();

BEGIN { push @INC, "/opt/modperl/"; }

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;

sub handler
        my $f = shift;

        unless ($f->ctx)
                while ($f->read(my $buffer, BUFF_LEN))
                        $buffer =~ s/It/Eli/g;
                        $buffer .= $ENV{"TE"};
                return Apache2::Const::OK;

The 'It' in the index.html file is changed properly, but I the
'TE' environment variable setup by SetEnvIf does not show up. Any ideas what
I'm missing?

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