Showing that low cost hardware with opensource software can be be both effective and cost friendly

Showing that low cost hardware with opensource software can be be both effective and cost friendly

Boris shtrasman borissh1983 at
Thu Apr 22 11:26:33 IDT 2010

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Nadav Har'El <nyh at>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010, Boris shtrasman wrote about "Showing that low cost
> hardware with opensource software can be be both effective and cost
> friendly":
> > Hello,
> >
> > In the second time at my college that  I'm going to show that while it
> > custom that enterprises use closed software,
> > Using opensource solution not only can cost less or the same but the
> > maintenance will cost much less.
> I'm afraid it wasn't clear (at least to me) what was actually your
> *question*
> among all the details you sent.
> Some israelly based websites that use open source software, that are
running on low cost hardware with high "hit rate".


> > The issue is that  I wish to get the product I'm paying for without doing
> > pro-bono work for the firm.
> So don't buy broken products - isn't that a simple enough criterion?
> If more people didn't buy server products that only work on IE (and don't
> work on Firefox, Iphone, and who knows what else) maybe these companies
> will finally fix up their act.
The issue is that the product/service is opt-out, we are first charged for
receiving the service and then we get access to it. sometimes it changed to
something  different. it is like with elearn systems few years ago (it just
didn't worked on anything other then IE).

> --
> Nadav Har'El                        |      Thursday, Apr 22 2010, 8 Iyyar
> 5770
> nyh at
> |-----------------------------------------
> Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |I considered atheism but there weren't
>           |enough holidays.

-- Boris Shtrasman ------------
|Gnu/Linux Software developer   |
| IM       : borissh at   |
| URL      :|
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