GUI for WiFi connection

GUI for WiFi connection

Elazar Leibovich elazarl at
Thu Jul 8 02:38:57 IDT 2010

I'm using Ubuntu, and currently my options for connecting to wireless access
points are very limited.
I can use the ubuntu builtin wireless app, but it's very limited. You can't
force a refresh of the wireless spots. You can set a default network - but
you can't prioritize which network will it try first.
I can OTOH use the iw* tool suite, but it's CLI is very inconvenient. I must
do a iwlist eth1 scan (eth1, huh? Why can't I omit the web interface and
have it use the only wireless interface I have), look for an access point
SSID, copy it to the clipboard and then go iwconfig eth1 essid
<paste_ssid_here>. Not as snappy as command line can be.

The related GUI alternative applications I found so far (gtkwifi and
gwirelessapplet) are not really maintained anymore.

How do you connect to wireless Access Points in Linux? Any better way than
what I mentioned?
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