Where to learn Linux?

Where to learn Linux?

guy keren choo at actcom.co.il
Sun Mar 14 13:52:16 IST 2010

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have been using Linux as an end user for several years, but now I
> think that I might like to make a career out of *nix administration.
> Where are some good places to get a certificate from? Is an online
> certificate as good as an offline course? What online certificates are
> honourable? What real-world courses in Israel are recommended?
> Thanks!

certificates mean very little. it is experience that counts. usually, 
you need to weasel-out your way into system administration, by starting 
from related jobs (e.g. technical support/helpdesk, a technician, a 
junior-assistant to the sys admins, etc.).

it's not easy to get a first job, because who in their right mind will 
let someone with no experience "shave" on the backs of their poor users? 
unlike other jobs - where you can be easily supervised - with system, if 
you butched the system - your users will be hurt immediately.


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