Die GNU autotools

Die GNU autotools

Shachar Shemesh shachar at shemesh.biz
Fri Jan 14 21:41:50 IST 2011

On 14/01/11 12:17, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> from 224 seconds down to 94 seconds (an
> improvement of 138% percent)

Actually, that's only a 58% improvement. 138% improvement would be if it 
took 224 seconds to complete before, and now completes 85 seconds before 
being started. Also, this is a 138% improvement, or a 138 percent 
improvement, but a 138% percent improvement would mean that you shaved 
138/10000 of the run time (about 3 seconds).

Normally I wouldn't bother with such unrelated and petty corrections, 
except for:

> Just a note: in English, "software" is a collective noun, and you cannot say
> "a software". You can say "a software program", "a software application" or
> maybe also "a piece of software", but never "a software".


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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