Multiple software copies (was Re: Die GNU autotools)

Multiple software copies (was Re: Die GNU autotools)

Shachar Shemesh shachar at
Mon Jan 17 05:15:59 IST 2011

On 17/01/11 02:21, Oron Peled wrote:
> 2. What is the chance that the update would fix *all* multiple copies
> of same DLL which is installed/bundled/packaged in 3'rd party
> applications, sometimes in multiple versions (of the application,
> the DLL or both).
No need to hypothis. Just look up what happened when they had a security 
flaw in their GDI+ DLL. They wrote a tool that constantly searches your 
system for instances of the DLL, and then sits and cries in a corner 
because there is not much it can actually do about it.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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