Flashing Galaxy S devices under Linux (Was: Upgrading Android Under Linux)

Flashing Galaxy S devices under Linux (Was: Upgrading Android Under Linux)

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 10:49:30 IDT 2011

On 8 June 2011 05:13, Gadi Cohen <dragon at wastelands.net> wrote:

> Right, I finally overcame my fears and successfully flashed my SGS II
> I9100 in Linux yesterday.
> I'll be as detailed as I can, but ultimately exact instructions would
> depend on which ROM you want to flash.

Thanks for the details. I have an SGS "1" (I9000) but hearing about another
success with Heimdall  let my trust in it grow a little more.

> 4) There's a Heimdall GUI which I didn't use (since it's not updated for
> the latest version).

Heimdall 1.1.0 GUI claims to be forward compatible with 1.2.0 back-end so I
used the GUI and followed the instructions in http://bit.ly/lkp6Zq and got
Samsung 2.3.4 ROM on my phone.

Let me know if anything wasn't clear, and good luck :)

I'm now struggling with the following, though this might not be the right
forum for such questions:

1. I lost root after the flash. All links point to GingerBreak but multiple
attempts didn't work. I now read that someone noticed it's done after
leaving it for 2.5 hours so I'll try it again - I stopped it after letting
it run for an hour. If you know of anything better then I'd love to hear.

2. Hebrew keyboard - in Froyo I used "Keyboard from Gingerbread" with a
Hebrew language pack, both from the market. But the Hebrew language pack
says it doesn't suite a "real" gingerbread environment.

3. Battery life - what else can I do to extend it as this was my main
problem with Froyo and I'm not sure how well GB does so far (but only one
day of experience).


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