python, beagle, and gmail

python, beagle, and gmail

Michael Shiloh michaelshiloh1010 at
Fri Feb 24 00:56:58 IST 2012

Short version:

I'm using Python on a Beagle Board xM to read gmail using imaplib, e.g.

However, it turns out that


is not present in the version of imaplib available for ARM on angstrom.

I'm not an expert in Python or Angstrom, so I turn to your collective

1) What's my quickest path to scriptable gmail access? Python seemed
obvious, but perhaps quicker alternatives exist.

2) How can I add SSL support to my version of imaplib, or is there a
version of imaplib for ARM that supports SSL?

Am I missing a totally obvious solution?

Thanks for any feedback,

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