10x.org.il: Join a 12-Week Open Source Web Developer Non-Course for Great Non-Programmers

10x.org.il: Join a 12-Week Open Source Web Developer Non-Course for Great Non-Programmers

Udi Oron udioron+linuxil at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 09:03:42 IST 2012

Dear Linuxers,

*I am very excited to introduce you to "Passionate Web Developer":


   - 12 weeks of intensive group learning, including personal mentoring,
   targeting immediate employment.
   - No prior knowledge is required (a technological background or any
   programming experience is a plus).
   - We learn the essence of programming through puzzles, exercises and
   more exercises.
   - We practice telecommunication from semaphore flags, through HTTP to
   web sockets.  We understand data from bits to ascii, information from
   JSON to protobuffs, and extract knowledge via mapreduce and A/B testing.
   - We deeply cover Python, Google App Engine, (and probably Django too),
   and explore Javascript and jQuery (and maybe AngularJS).
   - The non-course mantra is Extreme Programming:  most work is done in
   pairs, all exercises are handed via git and auto tested, feedback and
   progress is monitored via an issue tracking system.
   - We'll meet and learn about actual software developers and start-ups,
   from small freelancers to industry giants.
   - And more! :-)
   - Pilot/beta group starts December 17, 2012 with 4 students. (News
   flash! it might extend to 6!)
   - More info can be found here: www.10x.org.il



So, what I am actually doing, is trying to find talented, smart and smiling
individuals, that have about zero programming knowledge, and give them a
huge boost, while they work and study as hard as they can through tons of
exercises and projects, and matching them with select start-ups and firms.

But I need your help.

First, I am looking for the best candidates.
She/He should want to turn into a butterfly a web developer, and would
invest the required effort.
The learning is intensive - so he needs to be available.
If you know someone returning from a trip around the world, somebody that
just finished studying but can't find a job, or someone that wants to do
the switch into development, please tell him about 10x.org.il .
As while he is nice and he is eager to learn, I will be able to give him
the push forward.

Secondly, I am looking for great software houses to accommodate these
junior developers.
The perfect company should have a good working atmosphere, nice team, a
good product and be software development savvy.
If your workplace is expanding, because your business is doing good, and
instead of 5 developers, now you need 10, but you can't find them anywhere
- you can stop banging your head against the wall - we might be your
The training is focused on real world problems: For example, pair
programming is one of our mantras, exercises are handed via git and tested
via automatic testing tools.
We deeply cover Python, GAE and Django, but also explore front-end lands,
wetting our hands in javascript, jQuery and new HTML5 features.
But the best part lies somewhere else:  Those willing to hire our
graduates, will be able to take a part in the training itself by suggesting
our students what to learn and which projects to build.  Basically, this
allows you to get a developer already familiar with your technologies, and
ready to join your expanding team without struggling through teaching him
the basics of programming and the web.

To conclude: Send me great guys and girls, I'll return them to you three
months later with experience and knowledge that will make you drop your
That's it, our humble contribution is a providing a small greenhouse with
tons of wonderful things, a place to plant your seeds, and we will provide
you back gentle seedlings, ready to grow for a long long time in your plot.


Please do call me directly for any questions or for more information:

udi at 10x.org.il*
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