<div dir="ltr">Howdy , <br><br>I use doxygen to document the development of few project I work on <br> - (Ex: recreating the <span class="fullpost"> GoodCom WJT603 driver and this time I wish to create a kernel module instead of user mode) </span>, <br>
<br>While there is an option in doxygen to search the definitions but I need something more powerful.<br>For instance I will have an offline search engine , for now I use bash script to find all references to something but this way not what I need.<br>
<br>Could anyone recommend a good tool (some thing like off-line search engine) that could go trough all pages.<br>Best regards, <br>-- <br>-- <br> -- Boris Shtrasman ------------<br>|Gnu/Linux Software developer |<br>
| IM : <a href="mailto:borissh@jabber.org">borissh@jabber.org</a> |<br>| URL : <a href="http://myrtfm.blogspot.com">myrtfm.blogspot.com</a>|<br> _______________________________<br> <br>