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<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>On May 10th, Google will host a meetup, sponsored by my employer, Weka.IO (a storage company), with Andrei Alexandrescu. We brought him to Israel because he's one of the two leaders of the D programming language, but the lecture is about something which has been a great motivator for D, but originated from C++. I'll paste the meetup's synopsis:</p>
<p>Andrei Alexandrescu, author of the landmark "Modern C++ Design" which revolutionalized how C++ is used, and co-leader of the D language, is coming to Israel for the first time.</p>
<p>This talk shares early experience with Design by Introspection, a proposed programming paradigm that has enough demonstrable results to be worth sharing.</p>
<p>Registration is free and open at: https://www.meetup.com/dlang-il/events/238582530/</p>
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