[RBS] Book Reading Strategies for Mummies & Childcare Professionals

[RBS] Book Reading Strategies for Mummies & Childcare Professionals

Tanya Benchetrit tanyab01 at mscc.huji.ac.il
Wed Apr 1 12:12:16 IDT 2009

Be'ezrat Hashem in a week's time you will sit down with your children and
perform the awesome mitzvah of "Vehigadta...", together you will read the
Hagadda, bringing alive the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim, instilling faith
into the hearts of your children.

Come and learn what current research has to say about what Jewish families
have being doing for so many generations! Learn how to maximize your
potential as a mother, childcare professional (teacher, ganenet, mitapelet,
speech & language therapist...) and to make the most of precious
book-reading experiences.

What can your child gain from book-reading sessions?
How can book-reading help your child develop their cognitive, emotional and
language skills?
What can you do today to help your child acheive greater academic success
Which strategies should you use to increase your child's language

IY"H all these questions and more will be addressed
on Sunday 25th Nissan (19th April)
at 8:30pm at Nachal Katlav 11/11 RBS A

Please email tanyab01 at mscc.huji.ac.il or call 9997926 to register/ for
further details - space is limited - cost: 15nis

This will be an introductory class for two mini-courses I will be giving
after Pesach (one for mothers and one for professionals) on child language
and literacy development.

I look forward to seeing you - wishing you all a Pesach Kasher VeSameach,

Tanya Benchetrit, MA
Researcher and Lecturer,
Specializing in Child Language Acquistion
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, TTI - University of Cincinnati, Touro
College in Israel

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