[RBS] TODAY! Double-Mitzva (Kimche Depischa + Chametz4Chesed) Drop-Off Locations!

[RBS] TODAY! Double-Mitzva (Kimche Depischa + Chametz4Chesed) Drop-Off Locations!

David Morris - Lema'an Achai david at lemaanachai.org
Mon Apr 6 10:16:02 IDT 2009

Please bring your Unwanted/Chametz foods!
(Must be Unopened, Original Wrapping, Pre-Sell-by Date, Non-Perishable)

TODAY (Monday 6th April - only) between
10am till 8pm

How It Works: You donate your unwanted food, and drop it off at the 
collection points. Lema'an Achai collects it - literally a 
machsan-full of unwanted good food, worth many thousands of NIS - 
which we sell before Pesach, and then we distribute after Pesach to 
hundreds of needy families ..right through to Shavuot!

* AND *

Your Kimche Depischa/Maot Chitim Donations!

to help OVER ONE THOUSAND local needy people with their basic food for Pessach
(any time till Pessach!)

to the following drop-off locations conveniently located around RBS A:

Lema'an Achai Office - 40/7 Lachish - 999-1553 (chametz till 3pm today only!)
Arthur's RBS Pharmacy - no chametz, please, just money!

Palmer - 6/8 Lachish - 999-5015
Shenker - 18/9 Lachish - 999-4645
Rosenfelder - 16/6 Shimshon - 077-931-0139
Braun - 12/3 Shimshon - 999-7956
Greenspan - 21/9 Ayalon - 995-1485
Rothstein - 8/1 Hayarkon - 999-3470
Rubin - 4/5 Hayarkon - 999-9910
Markovitz - 14/9 Katlav - 999-4245
Fass - 20/20 Tzeilim - 999-5333
Leventhal - 40/1 Dolev - 995-2472
Morris - 15/5 Refaim - 999-7107
Bar Shai - 2a/1 Nachshon - 999-4791
Gold - 1/13 Uriya - 992-0998
Soloveichik - 38/3 Hayarkon - 999-4628
Sonnenberg - 8/4 Luz - 991-7334
Fine - 10 Yaale - 077-885-8565
Poch - 34/5 Ein Gedi -  077-799-7624


Online: Secure Credit-Card Donations www.SmartChesed.org
Phone 24/6 : 99999.33

Mail Checks to: The Lema'an Achai Center, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, RBS.
For tax deductible in USA, Canada and UK see: 

OR via you Shul Gabbai or local LA Representative

Tizkku Lemitzvot & Chag Kasher VeSameach to All our neighbors,
David & Avrohom


David Morris, Chairman
Rav Avrohom Leventhal, Executive Director

Lema'an Achai - It's All About Caring

david at lemaanachai.org
Direct Tel: 02 9997107
Office: 02 9991553
Fax: 02 9992398

40/7 Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh,
99093 Israel. 

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