[RBS] While you are counting the omer, recount the meaningful stories of your life!

[RBS] While you are counting the omer, recount the meaningful stories of your life!

dave greenfield dgreenfi at bezeqint.net
Thu Apr 16 21:53:56 IDT 2009

For more than six years, I've run workshops across the Greater
Jerusalem area that helped new and experienced writers transform their
memories into personal life-stories. In the process, they've learned
about themselves, had fun, and provided endearing family chronicles
that many have published as books and magazine articles.

"I've lived through some amazing experiences and adventures. When
Ellen heard one or two, she encouraged me to “get them down on paper”.
“I do,” I said, “but each story is about a paragraph long and I feel
I’ve got nothing else to say.” I attended her next memoir writing
workshop, and am continually gaining the skills and understanding
needed to translate precious moments and insights into writing." says
Chavi Chamish, contributor to Hamodia and Mishpacha.

On Monday morning, May 4th, it's your chance to record those
significant life stories. We'll start an eight-session memoir writing
workshop and provide you with the necessary tools to trigger your
valuable memories, and bring those stories to life.

Register before Rosh Chodesh Iyar for an introductory special offer.
Only two spaces left. Don't let your stories get packed away for
another year!

Call Ellen Greenfield at 052-3311884, or email to lifenotes at bezeqint.net

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