[RBS] URGENT - delivery of food from Netiv Halamed Heh

[RBS] URGENT - delivery of food from Netiv Halamed Heh

Susan susan at lemaanachai.org
Thu Apr 30 08:40:59 IDT 2009

so...no-one has responded that they're going to Netiv Halamed Heh fto buy 
food for themselves for Shabbat....
However, I was wondering if someone would like to make a special trip there 
(only a few minutes' drive from Bet Shemesh) in order to do a mitzvah and 
bring food to a family  for Shabbat who can't make it there themselves.
If you would like to help, please call Susan at 052-713-5424.

Tizku lemitzvot!!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115 

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