[RBS] SAVE THE DATE-October 21-Miriam Adahan speaks for Likrat Kallah

[RBS] SAVE THE DATE-October 21-Miriam Adahan speaks for Likrat Kallah

Pinhasik's saddav at zahav.net.il
Thu Aug 6 22:11:19 IDT 2009

Please save the date-Wed. Oct. 21-will be the annual Likrat Kallah event.
This year we will be hosting Miriam Adahan on the pertinent topic of coping
with life's challenges with confidence and faith.

As in the past, we will have a Chinese auction.  Grand prize is a beautiful
custom wig.  Sweets and salads are on the menu.

Please join us for a fun and inspirational evening and be part of this
amazing mitzva of helping kallahs who don't have the resources to buy the
very basics to begin their Bayit Neeman BiYisrael.

To date, Likrat Kallah has merited to help 730 brides, from all over
Israel,from all backgrounds!

Tizku L'Mitzvoth-Sadeena Pinhasik  999-4463

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