[RBS] Begin This Elul on the Right Foot

[RBS] Begin This Elul on the Right Foot

Avrohom Leventhal avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Wed Aug 19 09:17:12 IDT 2009

As Elul approaches we will be inundated with requests from worthy charities 
seeking our tzedaka.

In these trying times it is difficult to decide where we should direct our 
monies..all of the causes are good and all are needy. And many of us have 
less to give.

Giving to Lema'an Achai will answer these questions.

When you have less to give you want to make the most difference with your 
tzedaka. Smart Chesed.

Lema'an Achai is a local organization which employs "Smart Chesed" services 
and programs to help people through, then out of crisis.

Our small professional staff in concert with scores of volunteers have 
helped hundreds of local families in their time of need.

The Smart Chesed approach stretches each shekel into tens of shekel worth of 
support. Not just handouts but a "hand up".

Lema'an Achai...Professional, Compassionate, Effective

Please give today by visiting our website: www.smartchesed.org or call 
9999933 24/6.

Your generous donation will multiply your zechuyot by helping many others on 
the highest levels.

Tizku L'Mitzvot and Chodesh Tov! 

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