[RBS] Starting this week: Dr. Avigail Rock's shiurim

[RBS] Starting this week: Dr. Avigail Rock's shiurim

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 08:52:45 IDT 2009

Please reply to: MaTaN Beit Shemesh <matanbeitshemesh at gmail.com>

Matan Beit Shemesh is happy to announce that Dr. Avigail Rock will be giving
THREE regular shiurim this year!

Wednesday mornings 8:30-9:45 - Abarvanel - Sefer Devarim (Hebrew). Starts
2nd Sept.
Thursday mornings 9:00-10:15 - Haftarot (English). Starts 3rd Sept.

In addition, we will be opening a new shiur (Hebrew), in RBS A, ON MONDAY
EVENINGS. (We will start next week, Monday 7th September)

The year topic will be Melachim 1, The Stories of Eliyahu, but during Ellul
we will study Sefer Yona.

The courses start when school does - the first week of September.
Registration by e-mail - to this address - or at first shiurim.

Evida Fenster

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