[RBS] Are You a "Baru Chato" Kind of Guy?

[RBS] Are You a "Baru Chato" Kind of Guy?

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 17:17:35 IDT 2009

I was, until very recently.

It seems I've spent the past almost 40 years like this, and then with just a
few-minute investment, I've learned the truth.

Every day, usually 100+ times a day, I've been saying "Baru chato" at the
beginning of my B'rachos.

Say it yourself....Baruch Atto Ado...did you FULLY pause between the first
and second word? If you didn't, like just about everyone I know, then you
are also a "Baru Chato" kind of guy. Welcome to the crowd.

How did I break out?

By attending Rav Malinowitz's 5-minute nightly Dikduk shiur. We're learning
from the Sefer, "Eim Lamkira."

8:30: Ma'ariv, followed by a very short D'var Halacha.

8:45-ish: 5 minutes of Niflaos HaB'riya (our own version of the Chovos
HaLevavos' Sha'ar Yichud HaMa'aseh)

8:50: 10 minutes of the Chovos HaLevavos' Sha'ar Avodas Elokim

9:00: 5 minutes of Dikduk

9:05-9:25-ish: Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim, with an overview of the Mishna

HoRav Malinowitz is the Rav of Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham in RBS A. Write
back for more details.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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