[RBS] Update on Raphael Asher Yizchak be Chassie.

[RBS] Update on Raphael Asher Yizchak be Chassie.

britstownjew britstownjew at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 2 11:44:00 IST 2009

Baruch Hashem there has been a further improvement.

His brother saw him last week and was amazed at how communicative he is.

Oscar actively responded almost every time he was asked for a specific response, such as nodding his head or shaking his head. When he was told by his brother that he was going to see his (Oscar's) son in London this week and if he had a message to give him, he tried to talk, moving his lips and trying to form words. When his brother told him he was taking his son to a soccer match, he smiled. When I asked if his brother must give his son the message that his dad loves him, Oscar nodded his head. 

When he was told that he was making amazing progress and we were proud of him, he smiled, And so on. His wife was rubbing his feet and when asked if he could feel it, he nodded his head. When asked if he wanted some water, he shook his head. 
It is clear that his mind is functioning, he can hear, and he is able to make conscious movements. It also seems likely he will start talking before he is able to open his eyes. They were alternating his tracheotomy with a “spigot trachy”, which allows him to make sounds, although it is still very early. The nurses say they have heard him say “Thank you” and “Sister”, and his wife has also heard his voice.

The doctors clearly cannot work out what’s going on, but the nurses told his wife that they were anticipating him waking up, but that it may still be a long wait. He is off most of the medication.

All in all, there was amazing progress in the last week.

A further update received this morning. 

Although he has still not opened his eyes, he is very responsive to commands. 

The nurses at the hospital held and dialed his home number for him and he wished his wife a Happy Anniversary on the phone.  His wife says now that the tubes are out he is talking so much, he can't keep quiet.

He also told the nurses that he does not like normal yogurt and is drinking soup and eating a lactose-free yogurt. (He is lactose intolerant)

The doctors reckon he should be leaving the ICU soon.

I am sure that the miracle which is happening before our very eyes is due to all the tefillah, tzeddokah etc from everybody.

Please keep davening for him.

Irene Swartz.


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