[RBS] Are you looking for a cleaning women?

[RBS] Are you looking for a cleaning women?

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 12:08:39 IST 2009

The Beit Shemesh Municipality Absorption Division, has a department
which helps Ethiopian olim find occupation.

There are Ethiopian women who turned to the department asking for help
to find jobs as cleaning women in private homes.

If you are an owner of a company that hires workers for cleaning or
you are personally are interested in hiring  a worker for you own
home, please contact Yehuda Wosa at 054-4237509 or by email address
Yhuda121 at gmail.com

Please do not return to this address.


Tami Elmaliach
Coordinator of English speaking Olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh

תמי אלמליח - רפלקסולוגית בכירה, פרחי באך והילינג
הדרך הטבעית לריפוי, התמודדות והקלה במצבים שונים ע"י אבחון וטפול
Tami Elmaliach - Advanced Reflexology, Healing and Bach flowers
The natural path to cope with stress, anxiety and physical conditions


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