[RBS] looking for a volunteer with a car today

[RBS] looking for a volunteer with a car today

Susan susan at lemaanachai.org
Thu Dec 3 07:49:36 IST 2009

Kol Hakavod to the Ezra youth group who organised a food collection for 
Lema'an Achai families yesterday outside a supermarket.
The food they collected is now waiting in a chanicha's house in the 
Sheinfeld neighbourhood to be picked up and brought to the Lema'an Achai 
office - 40 Nachal Lachish.
If anyone with a car can help today to pick up the food and bring it to our 
office before 3.30, we'd really appreciate it.
Please call Susan at the no. below or reply to this e-mail.
Tizku lemitzvot!!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115 

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