[RBS] update on singles evening + there WILL be another event for 40+

[RBS] update on singles evening + there WILL be another event for 40+

Tami Chernin chernintam at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 13:20:46 IST 2009

Posting for a friend - please do not reply to this mail.

We have received requests to broaden the age range for the pre-Chanukkah
singles evening. In order to accommodate more interested singles, we have
adjusted the starting age to 33 (upper age ranges remain unchanged). 

In addition, we will organize a second evening for a 40+ crowd in the coming
months and are already looking into possible dates and venues. We hope to
announce details of that event shortly.

Please extend invitations to friends/family who might be interested in next
Thursday's event. 

Linda Wolicki:  991-8218 (between 10:00-14:00 and 19:30-22:30)

Irit Doron:   0777993608 (between 20:00-22:30) 

Organizing team: 
Irit Doron, Miriam Gottesman, Atara Stein, Ronni and Hillel Suna, Pam and
Gary Swickley, Linda Wolicki

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