[RBS] Amazing Monday: Chanuka activities at the RBS Matnas

[RBS] Amazing Monday: Chanuka activities at the RBS Matnas

shalem shalemm at bezeqint.net
Sun Dec 13 19:16:42 IST 2009

Monday, December 14th from 10:30-13:00:two films in one ticket

The Tale of Despereaux :
The tale of three unlikely heroes - a misfit mouse who prefers reading books
to eating them, an unhappy rat who schemes to leave the darkness of the
dungeon, and a bumbling servant girl with cauliflower ears - whose fates are
intertwined with that of the castle's princess.

Monsters vs Aliens
When a meteorite from outer space hits a young woman and turns her into a
giant monster, she is taken to a secret government compound where she meets
a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years

the films are in Hebrew dubbing,
ticket's price for both films is:25 NIS

the Gymboree and the library will be open at the same time

Monday, December 14th at 15:15

theatre-tale: "Doughnut made of wheat grain"
the story of a beggar that can do miracles and make a wheat grain become a

for ages 3-8
cost:15 NIS.


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