[RBS] Our Winter Semester Begins Tomorrow!

[RBS] Our Winter Semester Begins Tomorrow!

Limudei Lottie limudeilottie at bezeqint.net
Sun Dec 27 05:14:09 IST 2009

Dear Ladies,

Our Winter Semester begins on Monday December 28/11 Teves!
The Schedule for this week is as follows

10:20 - 11:20 Hilchos Shabbos - Reb. Simi Malinowitz
11:30 - 12:45 Binyan Adei Ad - The Halachos of Taharas Hamishpacha - 
Mrs. Yitti Bisk

9:15 - 10:15 Clean & Kosher - Keeping our Food Insect Free - Mrs. 
Yehudis Sirkis
Daniel, Esther, Ezra, Nechemia, - and Us - Rabbi Hillel Horovitz
10:20 - 11:20 Selected Topics in Derech Hashem - Mrs. Chana Gila Fox
11:30 - 12:30 The Inner Focus - Mrs. Yehudis Landau

The special theme of this semester is Yikaros M’Pninim - many classes 
and special events will focus on themes that relate to the unique 
potential of all Jewish women. We will have special classes in honor of 
the weeks of Shovavim as well as a Tiyul to Yad Eliezer on Feb. 10, IY"H.

For a complete Schedule of Classes and Brochure of Course descriptions 
visit our website: www.limudeilottie.org or email us at 
limudeilottie at bezeqint.net .

We have 3 easy ways to register
1. Online - go to www.limudeilottie.org
2. Email - email us at limudeilottie at bezeqint.net for a registration form
3. Phone - Call Leya - 054-841-8367

Looking forward to seeing you!

Chana Ginsburg & Leya Shuster

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