[RBS] Daf Yomi/Netz Minyan in Givat Sharett

[RBS] Daf Yomi/Netz Minyan in Givat Sharett

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 1 11:26:47 IDT 2009

There is a Daf Yomi/Netz minyan every morning in the Miklat next to Ohel Yona Menachem. This successful minyan/shiur has been meeting for more than 11 years during which we have gone through Shas approximately one and a half times. If you are interested in performing the mitzvah of davening with sun-rise and/or beginning (or continuing) a daily learning program in Daf Yomi, please join us.

The shiur/minyan is structured so that we start at 5:15 and finish at 7:00 with the Daf Yomi flowing around the minyan based on when we start davening (based on current sunrise). Currently, netz is at about 5:41. Davening officially starts 20 minutes before Netz and the Shliuch Tzibbur begins at Yishtabach approximately 7-8 minutes before Netz.

For further info please respond to this email,
Tizku Lmitzvos,
Yossi (for the Daf Yomi Netz Minyan)


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