[RBS] Looking for a sponsor for counselor for Camp Simcha

[RBS] Looking for a sponsor for counselor for Camp Simcha

The Eisenbergs debiisac at netvision.net.il
Fri Jul 10 13:41:07 IDT 2009

Camp Simcha, in affilliation with Chai Lifeline, is a camp for kids with
cancer in NY. There is an Israeli group of sick children that go every
summer. The counselors who accompany these kids are all volunteers. They do
not get paid for their counselor jobs or the airfare for their trip. There
is a Yeshiva  boy who plans to go for this big mitzva of accompanying a sick
child & taking care of him at camp. The problem is there was just a robbery
in the boy's dira &  the money for his airfare was stolen. If anyone
can help towards this worthy cause of  helping to sponsor this Bochur's trip
to NY, it would be a great Mitzvah.
Please call Yehuda at 05276-48-490. for more information.
Shabbat Shalom

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