[RBS] summer medical camp with 10 tons of food & breathing equipment - no small feat

[RBS] summer medical camp with 10 tons of food & breathing equipment - no small feat

efratselby efratselby at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 20 22:52:03 IDT 2009

Chaim Layeled,
32/1 Nachal Sorek,
Ramat Beit Shemesh,
lifeforchild at 012.net.il

We all know the value of freedom. Those children in Israel with
cystic fibrosis need that freedom - to breathe the air of survival –
to prevent recurring hospitalizations – to extend their life another
few precious months.

For the last ten years Chaim Layeled has been making
a 3 week summer medical camp in the Swiss Alps.

It is no small feat to haul along 10 tens of kosher food, medicines, and medical equipment. The children return home without the need to be hooked up to breathing equipment for a period of weeks and even months. What a physical and psychological boost for them and their families in their ongoing battle for survival.

The children literally live from one summer camp to the next.

The cost to send one child is $3000.
Can we say `no' to one of them.

Why not be a sole sponsor, or share a sponsorship with friends. 
What does it mean to the children . It means the world - it means knowing they truly matter.

click here to donate and to get further details:

Yours Truly,
Shlomo Selby,
International Coordinator,
Chaim Layeled

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