[RBS] National Delivery Service

[RBS] National Delivery Service

Dovi & Sharon Schamroth dovishaz at netvision.net.il
Tue Jul 21 19:59:46 IDT 2009

Hi Everyone

Because of my inter-city business I am signed up with a delivery service (Cheetah Deliveries) that deliver door-to-door (1-2 day delivery) throughout Israel.
Cheetah Requires that businesses have a minimum order in order to get special rates and I am passing on these special rates to you. 

Here are the prices.

Jerusalem Area : 37.5 NIS / package (box)
Rest of the country (excluding Eilat) - 54 NIS / package (box)
Not sure prices for Shtachim - please e-mail me for such a quote
*Price are excluding Ma'am 

- Door to Door.The Post office has a Doar Shlichim which for small items would be cheaper but you need to get there and wait in the line. 
- Orders must be made by e-mail dovishaz at netvision.net.il and momento at netvision.net.il (see below)
- Orders must be made before 11:30 am for same day pickup
- Any order e-mail sent to me is final (I can't be scrambling around to cancel orders). 
- Payments (cash or check) should be given to the Shaliach and the receipt/invoice will be from me to cover expenses. 
- The service is advertised as 1-2 days (Jerusalem 1 day). Please stipulate if a next day delivery is required! 
- Local Address is required for either pickup or delivery
- Box/Bag must be packaged and ready
- Boxes over 10 KG please stipulate 

Please Copy and Paste this format when making an order

Pickup Name _____________________________________________________________________
Pickup Address ___________________________________________________________________
Pickup Number ___________________________________________________________________
Special Requests ______________________________________________________________
Number of Boxes _______________________

Delivery Name _____________________________________________________________________
Delivery Address ___________________________________________________________________
Pickup Number ___________________________________________________________________
Special Requests ______________________________________________________________

Contact # and Name of person making the order __________________________________________________

I understand that the cost for this delivery is ______ including Ma'am (16.5 %) and I will have the required cash / check ready (no postdated checks)

Let me know if this helps anyone
Dovi Schamroth
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