[RBS] Emergency Help For Family of Rivka Greenwald ztz"l, Mother of Ten Children

[RBS] Emergency Help For Family of Rivka Greenwald ztz"l, Mother of Ten Children

LEMKIN REALTY lemkinrealestate at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 29 14:59:31 IDT 2009

Tremendous Mitzva Opportunity of Hachnasat Kalla in Bet 
Please help. A tragedy has struck our community. Mrs. Rivka Greenwald, the Tzadeket and mother of a family of 10 children went to bed at night and returned her soul to Shamayim.. She was buried on Erev Tisha B’Av. The children, who found it strange when she did not come out of her bedroom, went to check on her and found her without a breath of life. No words that are written on this page can adequately describe this incredible family. This is a family of diamonds, where the parents raise their children in a modest environment with minimal material expectations. The home was always full of joy. It was a home where each child shared responsibility for the other, where respect and love for the parents and children was an example to anyone who came in contact with them.  The second daughter is getting married in one month’s time. The most joyous day of her life will now be one of great pain as her mother will not be there to accompany her down to the
 Chuppa and help her set up a Bayit Ne’eman B’Yisrael. Although we cannot bring the mother back and we cannot diminish their grief, we can help the family with the financial burden of the wedding. We have set up a fund of Hachnasat Kalla. Please participate in this tremendous Mitzvah opportunity by giving a generous donation to the Greenwald family. In the merit of coming together as a community, may we be Zocheh to no more tragedy and the coming of the Geula, speedily in our days. 
לתרומות ניתן לפנות ל:
שוקי ארנפלד- 0525433225
פיני וולף- 0772345146
יצחק אבישר- 0528636936,  02-9993346
יעל ואן דייק- 0543331350
רחלי בן נון- 0523464664
Solovetchik- 9994628
Lemkin- 9995727
Stern- 9916675
Abramoff- 5818358

Your Realty Address In The Greater Beth Shemesh & Ramat Beth Shemesh Areas

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