[RBS] Don't let Kaf Sivan go by unnoticed

[RBS] Don't let Kaf Sivan go by unnoticed

saffran2002 silverbd at 012.net.il
Sun Jun 7 23:35:59 IDT 2009

This coming Thursday and Friday, respectively June 11 and Kaf Sivan, are the English and Hebrew anniversaries of the infamous battle of Sultan Yaaqub, in 1982. Three soldiers, Zachary Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, and Yehuda Katz are still Missing in Action since then. Throughout the years there have been eye-witness reports that at least some of them are still alive and the families have been doing everything in their power to get definite answers as to the fate of their sons. Unfortunately they have come up against resistance from those who would prefer to assume that the MIAs died in combat, in order to not have to bring up this issue in negotiations with our Arab neighbors. Since then there have been 4 other unresolved MIA cases: Ron Arad, Guy Hever, Majdy Halabi, and Gilaad Schalit. (for more information see: www.mia.org.il and http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFAArchive/2000_2009/2004/1/Israeli+MIAs.htm)

Don't let these days go by without been marked. Call or write your elected representative (for tips see: http://www.mia.org.il/help.html#Write) intensify your tfilot for our MIAs (see the prayer at: http://www.mia.org.il/prayer/index.html) write letters to your local newspapers, and spread the word.

May 30 was Guy Hever's 32nd Birthday, it was the 12th birthday that his family marked without knowing if he is alive or not. The painful issue of our MIAs must be resolved soon, and we must support the families and friends of our soldiers who went out to fight for us. Now it is our job to fight for them.  We must not let another anniversary or birthday go by in silence.

Please forward this to whomever you feel would find it important or email lists that have not yet publicized it.

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