[RBS] Amazonian meches and such

[RBS] Amazonian meches and such

Miriam Druyan miriam.druyan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 01:21:23 IDT 2009

Now that a certain 3 year old in my house (I ain't naming names) has
learned to work the CD player (if I had an iPod, I'm sure she'd be
making her own play lists) I need to invest in a bit more
toddler-friendly music.

If I order from amazon.com for Israel delivery - just a cd or two,
mind you - am I going to get hit up for any meches?

Greatly appreciate all of your feedback. As a special offer for
writing me back, I offer you this, my all time favorite joke:

Lamah hayam kachol?
Ki kol hadagim omrim... blublublublublue!

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