[RBS] for sale: 7th grade Ulpanat Gila books

[RBS] for sale: 7th grade Ulpanat Gila books

r. t. rteren at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 21 09:47:23 IDT 2009

- Benny Goren Algebra 'alef' (yellow and red) book for sale.

- Mishna - Baba Metzia and Yoma

- Baderech Ha"kala (Lashon)

- Hamayim Chomer Lachayim (madaim)

- Choveret avoda Melachim Alef

- Literacy Objectives (English speakers English)

None of the books are written in. All but the Benny Goren book were bought new and are in very good condition. The Benny Goren book is in the same condition as when I purchased it.

Please respond to this email if you are interested.

Thank you,

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