[RBS] gan for 2 1/2-3 1/2 yr olds 3 SPOTS LEFT!

[RBS] gan for 2 1/2-3 1/2 yr olds 3 SPOTS LEFT!

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Sun Jun 28 15:39:01 IDT 2009

 Gan Ahava now in its 4th year in Israel!

 A gan for children 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years old run by 4 gananot
 (rotating, 2 at a time) all with many years of experience and who LOVE 
their job.


 Our goals as gananot:
 ~to give your child a lot of love
 ~to build essential motor skills
 ~to encourage social growth and interaction
 ~to teach good middot using the parsha as a stepping stone
 ~to teach familiarity with the chagim
 ~to give hands on learning of the aleph bet
 ~to bring learning to a level your child can relate to and understand
 ~most of all to boost every child's self esteem and send your child  home
     at the end of every day feeling great about him or herself.

 ~positive reinforcement
 ~hands on arts and crafts including painting, clay, coloring, gluing
 ~rotating of toys to maximize stimulation
 ~interacting between gananot and children even in playtime
 ~outdoor play nearly every day in a great park right next to the gan
 ~music, song and dance
 ~LOTS of hugs

 Daily routine: play time, clean up time (an important part of our day
 is   teaching organization), davening, parsha/aleph bet/chagim/middot
 tovot   (alternating), eating (brachos unit covered as well), arts and
 crafts,   outdoor time, story time, snack time......and more!

 Sunday through Thursday 8.30-1.00
 Friday 8.30-11.00 winter months, 8.30-11.30 summer months


 Call for more info!
 Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
 nearly 20  years pre-school experience
 Degree: Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Development

 (02) 991-0212
email: hazlucha at bezeqint.net

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