[RBS] Help keep a kid on the derech

[RBS] Help keep a kid on the derech

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Tue Mar 24 23:42:51 IST 2009

This is a true story of a friend of mine.  Can you help me raise some money
to help keep her son in a unique school she found?

Her story:
"What would you do if your child (or a child you knew), suddenly dropped out
of school, started smoking cigarettes and a hookah pipe, started hanging out
with older boys (and girls) that were a bad influence on him, stopped
davening regularly (or at all), became sullen and angry, went out without
telling you where, came home long after you were asleep....and what if that
child was only 13 years old? 

What if the city dept. of education had no solution, and the local youth
organization had no help to offer but a place on a waiting list?

You desperately search for another school he’ll agree to attend, but when
you find one, the school won’t accept him. 

Six weeks go by, and things only get worse. Then you hear of a wonderful
program that is perfect for your son. A rural setting, lots of farm chores
and carpentry – just what your energetic, adventurous son needs to keep him
occupied. There is Torah learning, and davening, and no smoking allowed...
The farm agrees to accept him as the seventh boy in a small, family setting.
He loves it there, and wants to stay.

There is only one catch. Money."

This is a true story about a boy in our community. He is only one of so many
children out of school, getting into trouble, “going off the derech”. But he
is one that can be saved right now, if his family can collect the funds
needed to pay for this private program. The cost is 1500 nis per month, and
the family can pay 500 nis of that per month. (The family has a low income,
and many other children to care for.) A very generous donor in the community
has paid in full for the boy’s first month in the program. The family is
looking for 10 other donors, who are able to give $100 dollars each. That
will raise enough to cover 3 more months in full (the program runs through
the summer) – if all of the money is raised, the family will set aside their
money for future months of tuition. If part or none of the money is raised,
then the boy will be able to attend the program for only one more month, and
then will be home again, until another solution is found.

Any donation will be appreciated. Every donation will make a difference. May
every parent with a similar story also merit finding a solution. 

Please contact Riki Fried for more information. 999-4576 Tisku l’mitzvot.

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