[RBS] Youth Vacation Beit Midrash

[RBS] Youth Vacation Beit Midrash

zemandt at gmail.com zemandt at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 16:03:16 IDT 2009

The (semi-annual) Bein HaZmanim Beit Midrash for youth and the
young-at-heart will start this Tuesday evening!

Where: Ohr Shalom (Rav Soloveichik's) in RBS, corner of Nachal Maor and Refaim

When: Tuesday, Nissan 6 through Monday, Nissan 12

Schedule: 7:30 pm maariv (in addition to the regular shul maariv at 9)

7:45- 9:00 chevruta learning - open learning or source sheets
available (efforts will be made to help find chevrutot for those who

9:00- 9:15 refreshments

9:15- 10:15 shiur by different local rabbanim (Rav Spector, Rav Bagno,
and others)

Who: mainly geared toward 7th grade and up, but no one interested in
learning will be turned away...even if it's been decades since you
were in 7th grade. This is being organized by the local snif of Ariel
and the municipality and is open to all.

Come one, come all!

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