[RBS] What are your kids (YOU) doing during the month of August? TORA DOJO KARATE program - For adults as well as kids

[RBS] What are your kids (YOU) doing during the month of August? TORA DOJO KARATE program - For adults as well as kids

Mim & Ari Fuld fuld at netvision.net.il
Sun May 3 15:28:27 IDT 2009

August 1st - August 31st


GROUP  1               1st - 2nd    Graders  (Little Tigers)

GROUP  2               3RD - 5TH Graders

GROUP  3               6th - 8th    Graders


GROUP  3     Girls & Women (ages 13 and up)

GROUP  4     Boys and  Men's  (Ages 14 and up)

The TDA summer program will last 9 sessions and run through the month of 

Classes will take place on Sundays and Thursdays at the Jabotinsky school 
gym (by the Givat Sharett neigborhood)

1. The LITTLE TIGERS group will have a fun filled summer while learning 
basic Japanese Karate. Coordination, listening and concentration skills will 
be taught along with  safety awarness and physical fitness

This class is designed to instill SELF CONFIDENCE, SELF AWARNESS and SAFETY.

  The kids have a great time and gain a tremendous amount.

2.  The older kids groups will have a blast as well, they will be learning 
'hands on' self defense technique and  more advanced Japanese Karate with an 
introduction to traditional  weapons (Nunchuks, Sai, Bo..)  The students 
will be challenged physically while gaining knowledge and learning Basic 
Japanese Karate technique.

The kids sessions will include Competitions, a pizza and Karate movie night 
and will end with a fantastic Karate Bash party  at the end of the summer.

 The kids classes are limited to 15 participants.

The Adult classes will be held in a more traditional manner.

Over the 9 sessions we will concentrate on building up physical fitness and 
practical Self Defense. Correct breathing, meditation and Chi Gong will also 
be taught and practiced .

We will be working on blocks, counter attacks as well as chokes and trips. 
This is a great opportunity to get into shape as well as learn practical 
technique that can help protect you in dangerous situations.

The price for the TORO DOJO KARATE program is 240 shequels

For more information or registration contact

Sensei Ari Fuld


ari at toradojo.co.il

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