[RBS] want to share a taxi to 7.24 train from RBS A on a regular basis?

[RBS] want to share a taxi to 7.24 train from RBS A on a regular basis?

Shira and Dani Schijveschuurder shirandani at gmail.com
Wed May 6 19:21:54 IDT 2009

I am starting to take a daily taxi from Dolev to the 7.24 TA train- is
there anyone who does likewise- perhaps we could club together and
share the cost?
Alternatively, does anyone want to join me and share the cost? (I will
be going regardless of interested parties or not).



Blog: www.shirandani.blogspot.com

Tel: +972 (0)2 999 4716
Address: Nachal Dolev 22/1, Ramat Bet Shemesh 99621

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