[RBS] Musikef camp by Judy Clark!

[RBS] Musikef camp by Judy Clark!

Leora edavids at neto.net.il
Sun May 10 09:38:04 IDT 2009

  Kaytanat Musikef for kids entering or finishing trom chova!
  Run by an experienced early-childhood music teacher, here's the perfect 
kaytana experience for your pre-schooler!
  Our Kaytana theme is  "Sound, sound, all around"-
  through musical games, listening and singing activities, rhythm 
instruments, musical storytelling, creative movement with parachute, hoops, 
balls etc, and arts and crafts ( we'll be making our very own instruments!), 
we'll explore the amazing world of sound: sounds from Hashem's natural 
world,  sounds from Man's technological world, and of course, sounds from 
the world of musical instruments.
  Plus adult-supervised indoor and outdoor play with loads of 
age-appropriate toys, fun with food preparation, parshat hashavua and water 
  In Ivrit and English.

  July 5th- July 24th, Sunday - Thursday 8:30am-1:15pm, Friday 8:30am-12pm
  Rehov Ha'arazim , Givat Savion

  Cost: 950 NIS. Aruchat esser and healthy snacks included!

  Hasa'a from RBS for an additional fee!

  To register, call 9997870 or e-mail edclaw at bezeqint.net
  Space limited!

  Look forward to entertaining your kids!

  Judy Clark MA, ALCM

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