[RBS] Official opening x2 (yes 2 nights) May 3 & 10th + Additional gift..

[RBS] Official opening x2 (yes 2 nights) May 3 & 10th + Additional gift..

Pearls of Joy Importers bsheva at hotmail.com
Sun May 10 13:32:54 IDT 2009

Dear Listland,

We wanted to thank everyone who participated in
our contest to choose a name for our pearl company.   PEARLS OF JOY
would like to officially invite everyone to come to our official
opening and check out our new stock Sunday night May 3rd & MAY 10th between 8:30pm
and 10pm.  21/1 Nachal Lachish RBS alef.  Everyone who comes will get a
10% discount and a free pair of earrings with every purchase.

A special surprise gift in addition to those listed above for the first 10 people that come (those of you that sent in your ideas will also get this surprise additional gift) tonight only!!

Shlomo & Batsheva Singer

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