[RBS] yom yerushalayim

[RBS] yom yerushalayim

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Tue May 12 05:28:08 IDT 2009

kahillat menorat hamaor would like to invite the community to a YOM 
YERUSHALAYIM tiyul.there are many beautiful sites in the gush etzion block 
that call out to be explored.we will start out at 10a.m outside kibbutz kfar 
etzion and be guided by madrichim from the field school.the area is of 
particular interest to those who enjoy seeing how we existed 2000 years 
ago.there are mekorot ma-yim,mikvaot and all sorts of olive and wine 
presses.the tiyul will take approx 2 hours.at the end of the route we will 
have lunch-so bring your picnic baskets .
the tiyul is not appropriate for push chairs .
the cost is 40 shekels a family
those people who do not know the route to the gush can meet at 9.15a.m at 
the nachal maor exit.
please reserve your place by replying to this e-mail or calling 9920559
we should be back in R.B.S. at  between 2 and 3.
date-friday 22 may

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