[RBS] Rabbi Lazer Brody Shuir with Musical Guest Shomo Katz shiur uploaded in mp3

[RBS] Rabbi Lazer Brody Shuir with Musical Guest Shomo Katz shiur uploaded in mp3

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Mon May 18 01:19:04 IDT 2009

Dear RBS,

Tonights shiur of Rabbi Lazer Brody and Shlomo Katz on the topic of "How to Handle Stressful situations.mp3" has been uploaded for those who missed the shiur or would like to get a copy for only  7 days or 100 downloads at the following address.  http://www.yousendit.com/download/MnFpQ3R4ZEs3bUJMWEE9PQ 

Enjoy the shiur and music!!!

Reuven Ashenberg

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