[RBS] Kehillat Ahavat Tzion - Siyum Shas Mishnayot

[RBS] Kehillat Ahavat Tzion - Siyum Shas Mishnayot

Kehillat Ahavat Tzion kehillatahavattzion at gmail.com
Wed May 27 16:45:50 IDT 2009

Yasher Koach!

The wonderful kids in our kehilla have collectively finished the
entire Shisha Sidrei Mishna!

Please join us on Shavuot afternoon for the Siyum Mishnayot where
“berov am” we will gather to show them the appreciation they deserve.
The head gabbai, Daniel Raye, will make the siyum on behalf of the
children, and there will also be divrei chizuk from Rav Menachem
Copperman and other activities.


Early Mincha: 17:30

Siyum: 17:45

Early Arvit: 18:15

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