[RBS] tehillim needed

[RBS] tehillim needed

Ilana Bronfeld lanz54 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 1 10:00:15 IST 2009

I just received this email from  someone else:
"I am writing to you about my good friend, M.L., who has a son Refoel Chaim Simcha Binyamin ben Devorah Aliza, who has been fighting Leukemia the past 18 months.


Today we learned that he has been having terrible reactions to the bone marrow transplant and the doctors say he is going to need a miracle (we knew about the reactions for a few weeks, but just learned that it got much worse). He can survive this but not without a lot of pain at best, and even so the chances are not great.


I need everyone on this list to daven for him, and pass this email to 10 other people, as one would if this were one's own kid (Chas V'sholom)


In 38 years I never heard M. cry like I did today. His poor kid has been in the hospital for close to 6 months now.


I am begging you to daven your heart out for him.


In that Zechus, you, no  we, should never know about this again, and  he and all the other Cholim should have a refuah shilaymah.


Thank you,


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