[RBS] recommendation for speech therapist

[RBS] recommendation for speech therapist

tisser tissers at zahav.net.il
Sun Nov 22 17:51:55 IST 2009

I just wanted to give a recommendation for Rivka Radonsky as a speech
therapist.  One of my children said about 2 words at the age of 2, and after
meeting with Rivka for a year one to two times a week, she tested on level
for expressive language and advanced in receptive.
Rivka had to teach my daughter how to pronounce every sound (English) and
she truly taught her how to do it. Rivka is able to work so well with young
children because she believes in child-led therapy.  If my 2 year old
daughter didn't want to sit for a session, Rivka would entice her to say the
words while jumping on a trampoline or crawling through a tube.  Each
session was different, so that my daughter was never bored during therapy.
Oftentimes, after working with a client for a few months, a speech therapist
will begin to stagnate and keep doing the same thing over and over with the
child. With Rivka, each week she worked on something different, of course,
reviewing too, but I didn't feel that even if my child got stuck on a sound,
Rivka also did (a common occurrence I have observed with other therapists.)
Rivka had lots of creative ideas to help exercise my daughter's mouth and to
teach her how to form the different sounds.  She always gave me a list of
words to work on with my daughter, which proved to be very beneficial.
Rivka was a pleasure to work with.
I highly recommend Rivka as a speech therapist.  I have seen the benefits of
early intervention and highly recommend that you don't wait to begin speech
for your child.  The benefits are endless.
Feel free to contact me with any additional questions,
Chana Tisser
tisser at zahav.net.il

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