[RBS] Q about Students & bituach leumi payments

[RBS] Q about Students & bituach leumi payments

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Tue Nov 24 15:56:10 IST 2009

Once a child turns 18 they have to pay Bituach Leumi, they are no longer
part of the "family plan" that we all pay .  (Of course this is because at
age 18  we  no longer support our children, they suddenly drop out of school
or do not go to the army or do not learn in  yeshiva and they go get a job
and can pay all their bills on their own, move out of our house to their own
apartment, and in fact pay for anything we get for them including clothing
and doctor visits and have plenty of money to spare to pay for bituach leumi
) ... Anyway....as I was saying...someone told me that if you can prove that
your independently wealthy 18 year old adult child is still in school full
time you can get out of .. I mean your child can defer paying their bituach
leumi.  Has anyone successfully had this taken care of in bituah leumi and
if so HOW??

Thank you , 
a mother of a non independently wealthy 19 year old and soon to be 18 year
old, both students.


Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
BESIMCHA~Service With A Smile
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