[RBS] Work-from-home-type opportunity - provide a service

[RBS] Work-from-home-type opportunity - provide a service

Yitzchok & Hasha Lavi lavi at chardmore.net
Thu Nov 26 14:57:19 IST 2009

In my previous email I mentioned Pini the shoe-repairer in central Beit

He mentioned to me today that he gets calls from the Ramah but that people
don't want to come all the way down to him. If they don't go there I don't
know what they do.

Assuming that there is no-one closer, there may be an opportunity here for
someone to earn a little money.

He would be interested in having someone act as a drop-off and pick-up
point in RBS (it would include taking the items to him and picking them up

If you are interested in doing this, please call Pini on 02-999-2256 (I
don't know how much English he speaks).


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