[RBS] Successful trip-iriya buses from Teddy Stadium to Rova

[RBS] Successful trip-iriya buses from Teddy Stadium to Rova

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Thu Oct 8 08:58:52 IST 2009

We drove to Teddy Stadium. Maybe because it was already Wednesday but it was empty. We took an Egged bus to go somewhere else before the Rova, walked to the Rova, did whatever and took the buses back from the stop outside of the kotel back to Teddy Stadium. It was a breeze.
On the way to the Rova, we passed by the Carta parking lot and Mamilla lot. The cops were turning people away b/c the lots were full.
The bus stop for the iriya buses are further up the road, outside the kotel, then the Egged bus stop.
There are three buses. keep verifying the numbers b/c the sign said the bus to Teddy Stadium was number 111 and the bus driver said it was a mistake. So, don't rely on the bus numbers, just keep asking the bus drivers and other passengers to make sure you are on the bus to your desitnation, either Givat Hatachmoshet or Teddy Stadium.
Moadim Lsimcha 
Thanks fo everyone who wrote that it was simpler. You were totally right.
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